Demystifying Wellness: Thinking Vs. Feeling

Is thinking opposed to feeling or do they work together? How can we use our feelings to generate wellness? We look at feeling in the body, emotional mind and spirit to see how each aspect utilizes feeling to create impressions that help us in the development of holistic wellness. In order to truly practice holistic wellness a shift has to occur where we take what we have learned from our thinking selves, and through the active application, demonstrate or teach our feeling selves.

V&E Philosophy of Wellness

Many of us take a top down approach to our wellness thinking that if we change the way we eat, if we work out, buy ethical products then we are achieving wellness. Yet there is still an upsetting amount of judgement and shame that we put on ourselves and others and the initiative fails. Why is this? Changing your perspective might truly be the first step.

Demystifying Wellness: 3 Ideas on Where to Start

Do you find advice on wellness alienating sometimes? Do you find that some advice is overwhelming and wonder where to start? “I want to cultivate wellness practices and care for myself but some of the advice out there seems too radical and I don’t know where to start” If you can relate, I have compiled a simple list of ideas (not rules) to answer the question: Where do I begin? and the good news is that it has nothing to do with spending money or investing time you don’t have… we are demystifying wellness by taking it back to the beginning!

Am I having an Existential Crisis?

I had a plan. I put everything int0 this plan: my time, effort, and energy, and to no avail. The universe returned my efforts with a message: there is a greater plan you need to follow now, and it is not the one you were working for (and you know it).

I had put all of my effort into plan B, which did involve a lot of courage: facing fears, working through setbacks, and being honest with myself. However, Plan A is less comfortable, less secure, more of an unknown than Plan B.

It seems I have a choice before me: work towards the life I have envisioned for myself or make a new plan B. The decision seems obvious but, following plan A has me feeling lost, confused, scared, and courageous, brave and strong all at once.

Am I experiencing an existential crisis, or is it something else?